This would be a Bootstrap Jumbotron!
This page demonstrates embedding Kendo UI widgets inside of a fluid/responsive Bootstrap 3 grid.
Bootstrap 3 grid column classes are bordered with red dashes.
Kendo UI Widgets are bordered with blue dashes.
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC PanelBar
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC TreeView
Use this area to provide additional information.
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC TabStrip
Kendo left/right float wrapper
Demo of a float left/right div's inside a Kendo FloatWrap ('k-floatwrap') div, ALL inside a Bootstrap fluid container ('container-fluid').
Float Left DIV (h3)
Test h4 header-4
This is a "float: left" div, contained in a Bootstrap class="k-floatwrap" wrapper div.
Float Right DIV (h3)
This is a "float: right" div, contained in a Bootstrap class="k-floatwrap" wrapper div.