Ah yes, the ubiquitous tabs control, a pattern no web designer can ignore. Of course it’s a markup metaphor for the old, 3x5 tabbed index cards or tabbed file folders. Although there are many variations, they all generally work the same way, (see demo). They are a great...
When I initially heard that Telerik would be adding Excel export functionality to their data grid widget, I was ecstatic. The initial announcement from Telerik did not divulge how much of the grid’s current state would find its way in to the dynamically generated spreadsheet. For example...
This post revisits an old, Classic ASP application that dynamically generated an Excel spreadsheet with two worksheets; one held the data and the other a logarithmic line chart based on the data. This was accomplished by triggering a series of VBS scripts (from IIS) that automated the spreadsheet creation and prepared it for download. It required MS Office and Excel to be installed on the server and in its heyday it bedazzled the engineer who came to rely on it. And when it didn't work, it could lock up the web server and deliver great pain and agony to its developer. Fast forward a few years, (and thanks to .NET, OOXML and HTML5/CSS3), the options....